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Aaron Klug

Aaron Klug

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1982

Crystallographic electron microscopy. Biologically important nucleic acid-protein complexes’ structural elucidation. Viruses’ 3D imaging. Zinc fingers.

“Saw Rosalind Franklin’s beautiful tobacco mosaic virus’ X-ray photographs. From then on my fate was sealed.”

“Aaron could see colleagues’ strengths, weaknesses in observations; inspired them to conduct more rigorous, adventurous research.” – Richard Henderson.

Nobel Prize, Cash and Philanthropy


Aaron Klug Integrated Centre for Biomolecular Structure and Function established by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in 2013.

Sir Aaron Klug Distinguished Award Lecture instituted by Mississippi State Univers ity to honor and recognize Aaron Klug’s pioneering discoveries in molecular structure-function.

Sir Aaron Klug Building, Granta Park, Cambridge, CB21 6GH